Wednesday, February 3, 2010

List of bloggers

Here is the list of posters already able to initiate blog entries:


After you have read the "About This Blog" thread, if you would like to become an author on this blog, do the following:

1. Create a Blogger account screen name.

2. Post a comment below in this thread that includes the email address you used when creating your screen name in #1 above. (Don't mix your request and email in the same comment as other commentary, because I will be deleting the comment containing your email shortly after entering your email address into the "system", so it's not public for too long.)

3. I can then email you an invitation to join as an author.

4. Go to your email inbox and follow the link and instructions to be "activated" as an author.


Billy!!! said...

Comments?? My comments?? This blog looks great, with wonderfully chosen photos. Yay!

rycki1138 said...


Great Blog. Was it started to coincide with yesterday's release of the Sixth season of Mary Tyler Moore?

JEFJR said...

Hi rycki1138,

Welcome! No, it was started to coincide with the gasket I blew yesterday when reading someone's post on IMDb that Home Improvement was the best classic show ever! :)

By the way, "Billy!!!" here is "Billy1212" from IMDb.

rycki1138 said...

Home Improvement shouldn't be in the "best of" any TV category, much less "Best Classic TV Show".

I figured Billy!!! was probably also Billy 1212.